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Are you helping?

This is my favorite, “I just want to help people...”

And yet, when they try to “help” you, it sure feels an awful lot like they’re only interested in helping themselves.


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Money is hard to make!

“Money is hard to make!”

Maybe it was the food stamps or living without running water and electricity. Life was hard as a kid.

Actually, it was having to wear clothes from Goodwill to school...

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It can’t be done!

“It can’t be done!”

And that’s the problem; they don’t do it because they believe it can’t be done.

They look around and see there’s nobody else in their family...

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Hustle & Grind?

They wear the ‘Hustle & Grind’ name tag like it’s a badge of honor.

In fact, they don’t feel good about themselves if they aren’t out there churning & burning away.


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Pride or Fear?

“I’ll have to do it myself!”

How many times have I said these words? Countless!

It wasn’t from pride, although like most company owners, I did have a lot of pride. Tons!

I said it...

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Giving Up

Owners give up or quit trying because they don’t reach their deadline for “success” by a certain time in life.

It’s pretty common thinking.

Maybe they’ve said,...

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Shift in Mindset 🧠

It’s a shift in mindset...

Company owners know the key to their next level of success is to get more leverage.

That leverage comes in many forms: optimizing systems & processes, expanding markets,...

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Learn more?

There’s a trap of needing to know more before helping more.

It sounds like this...

“Well, I’m not sure if I’m ready to bring on more people. There’s days when I’m...

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They move πŸ‘‰

They’re stuck because they believe they should know things are going to work BEFORE they do them.

They won’t make the hire because they don’t know it will work. “Better hold off until...

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They say, “Motivation doesn’t last!”

They’re right.

That’s why Zig Ziglar recommend daily motivation. Like all great salespeople, he knew you have to motivate yourself every...

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Best Bank Robber Story Ever article
Willie Sutton, Jr. was an American bank robber known as a witty, non-violent gentleman from back in the days of Al Capone and Lucky Luciano. 
He stole over $2 Million dollars over his 40+...
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Stay In Front article
When I started chasing my wife...
She's my wife now and has been for a long time, but she wasn't my wife when I first started chasing her.
When I started chasing my wife, I didn't actually chase...
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Why Do They Buy? article
Quite simply, if you know why a prospect buys, you know how to sell them.
Obviously, not every prospect is going to have the same "why," but they all have their own...
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Interest Improvement article
I've been asked, "What's the most important quality for a good salesperson to have?"
You might get a 100 different answers if you asked 100 different people, but I believe there's only one quality more...
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Too Easy? article
My wife once had a 3 hour visit with her dentist.
She's one of those people who hates going to the dentist -- she despises shots. Instead of coming back for multiple visits, she insisted on...
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