About the Roofing Salesman University
Roofing Salesman University teaches the science of sales, persuasion, and influence using a simple step-by-step system of counter-intuitive sales psychology processes.
Every advanced training session is laid out in a system of online modules designed to continually develop expert roofing salespeople for your roofing company.
This is not a program to teach your sales team about the product of roofing or how to do the work of roofing. This is advanced training for teaching them how to sell roofing without using high-pressure closing techniques.
The basics of understanding roofing products (e.g. shingles, installation, etc.) are important, but the basics are best taught in-person, on the job site, or by attending a free manufacturer's event. This is not a roofing products education program.
Obviously, results may vary individually depending on many factors. There are no income claims being made because everyone is different with different outcomes.
Any questions? LMK.
✌ Mike Coday
Roofing Salesman University
What Do We Get?
When your company signs up for a company membership with the Roofing Salesman University, your entire sales team will find several valuable courses inside to help them develop their sales success. They will each have their own username and password.
Roofing Salesman University is also available as an individual membership with one username and password for one person.
The first course in your program is the Sales Domination System.
Sales Domination System
These 5 Modules of the "Sales Domination System" make up the core of my master class on door-to-door roofing sales--personally developed from over 20+ years in the field selling. You get the "Sales Domination System" when you join the University.
When you get this training, you'll have the online video lessons, complete audio download program, written workbook with word-for-word scripts to download, as well as access to the private members' group.
What do we get with the Sales Domination System?
- Online Training Videos
- Audio Download Files
- PDF Written Workbook
- Word-for-Word Scripts
- Bonus Video Training
- Private Members' Group
Module 1: Appointment
- The fastest, easiest way to set an appointment with a complete stranger.
- How to leverage your competition when you aren't doing any work.
- The inside trick to killing rejection using the Law of Consistency.
Module 2: Expectation
- Never give away your valuable time and expertise, here's how.
- The way you demand integrity and respect from every single prospect.
- Optimize your income, and make more money, by walking away.
Module 3: Inspection
- Give yourself a free boost of trust & credibility with every prospect.
- The one thing you have to say before anybody says anything.
- How to relax and let the chips fall where they may.
Module 4: Registration
- How to quit "Hard Selling" and enjoy taking orders.
- Play a fun game of freeze tag to lock your competition out.
- Live in the world of your choice with the words you speak.
Module 5: Fulfillment
- Get the check without begging or waiting around.
- Eliminate most complaints with this one weird mind trick.
- Take a list of easy referrals without trying very hard to get them.
* No refunds or cancellations.
Maximum Money in Minimum Time
All of progress depends on society figuring out how to do things better, faster, or cheaper. In this training, you'll learn how to maximize your money in a minimum amount of time.
Create Money: What You Need To Know
This 8-part video series called "Create Money" trains you how to think about money and what you need to know to make even more money.
Sales Psychology Shortcuts
Your salespeople will discover how to quickly recognize which personality bucket they're selling to and learn advanced psychological shortcuts to close the sale...including How To Sell Engineers.
These 4 Modules break down the major personality types into different buckets.
When you know who you're selling, you know how to sell them. Expand your ability to close people who are not like you and watch your commissions naturally increase.
Sales Profile Buckets will break things down and give you an easy-to-understand framework for you to follow all the way through to the closing.
Getting Started in Roofing Sales Volume 1
Play online or download the audio files for "Getting Started in Roofing Sales."
This audio download series is perfect for motivating your new salespeople to get up and running quickly. There are also valuable ideas included for more advanced salespeople. Great for listening in their truck while they're in training.
- What you need to know before you take a roofing sales job.
- How much does a roofing salesman make?
- Tips on what to say after you knock on the door.
- How to sell roofs door to door.
- Special advice if you’re brand new to residential roofing sales.
- Can I make a living selling roofs?
- Common personal obstacles you have to overcome to sell roofs.
- The secret of making prospects like you.
- Lessons learned when I was new to selling roofs.
- Do you make this fatal mistake when selling?
- BONUS: Motivational quotes to help you sell roofs.
- BONUS: Special prospecting system to help you get started.
- BONUS: Advice about the best way to close a roofing sale.
Getting Started in Roofing Sales Volume 2
Play online or download the audio files for "Getting Started in Roofing Sales - Volume 2." (Coming Soon)
This second volume of the popular audio download series is perfect for motivating a new salesperson to get up and running quickly. There are also valuable ideas included for more advanced salespeople. Great for listening in your truck or while working out at the gym.
- Intro (0:30)
- A Little Mistake That Cost A Door To Door Salesman A Thousand Bucks A Week (8:28)
- Do You Refuse To Door Knock (9:22)
- Roofing Sales Jobs (18:22)
- Roofing Sales Responsibilities (45:36)
- The Secret Closing Technique (12:45)
- How To Sell Roofs In Heavy Competition (8:23)
- Are You Selling With Authority Or Getting Slaughtered Like A Pig? (5:10)
- Selling Or Getting Slaughtered - Cops Or Pigs Part II (10:08)
Power Positioning - Establishing Mindset
"All social interactions, including door knocking, operate under an unwritten set of rules that determine what is, and is not socially acceptable behavior.
Those rules change based on the perception of the people involved in the interaction. The generally accepted rule for salespeople is to 'get rid of them,' quickly, if possible."
This training module helps your salespeople discover how to establish powerful positioning and attract the right prospects to them without friction.
I also reveal the most common ways salespeople destroy their status at the front door. Quit doing these things and watch your sales go up.
The Law of 100
As your sales team begins working the Sales Domination System, they'll need a system to help guide their prospecting efforts so they stay consistent and accountable.
"The Law of 100" gives you a good tracking system because you need reasonable, achievable boundaries to guide you toward your goal of increasing sales and improving your closing ratios.
You Won't Hear This At A Seminar
There's so much I can't say, do, or teach at a seminar!
When your company joins today, you'll be an instant insider, with full access to the online portal where all my best, most profitable sales training is shared without holding anything back.
If you're ready for your sales team to receive the best of my sales psychology, persuasion, and influence training, you will become a member today.
Easy Realtor Roofing Leads
- How a roofing salesperson can effectively get a Realtor's attention even though they ignore 90% of the pitches they hear--and they get a lot of pitches every week.
- What to say, word-for-word, when you get the Realtor on the phone.
- Important instructions for your salespeople to develop a working database of real estate professionals they can contact, especially on rainy days.
Member Community Group
Every active salesperson has access to the online Member Community Group hosted on Facebook where they can ask questions and interact with Mike Coday and other active members.
The Mastermind Letter (Coming Soon)
You'll get all 11 digital issues of the Roofing Sales Mastermind Letter along with the audio download files for each letter.
These value-packed letters were originally sent to members of my Mastermind group. You will get online digital access to all of the letters when you become a member.
Volume 1, Issue 1
"Dropping The Knowledge Bomb. The Money & The Leads. The Leads & The Money"
Volume 1, Issue 2
"Distance Makes The Money Grow Stronger & Lies They Told You About Referrals"
Volume 1, Issue 3
"The Donuts Will Taste Better When You Believe They Do"
"Price Is Not Your Problem; Your Price Is Not Too High. Your Value Is Too Low."
Volume 1, Issue 4
"UNFILTERED: 5 Lessons in Failure"
Volume 1, Issue 5
"Poor People Work Hard"
Volume 1, Issue 6
"The Money Is Behind The Door"
Volume 1, Issue 7
"Action Is The Ultimate Strategy"
Volume 1, Issue 8
"A Fed Bear Is A Dead Bear"
Volume 1, Issue 9
"Time Is Better Than Money"
Volume 1, Issue 10
"How To Sell To The Buyers"
Volume 1, Issue 11
"Image Is Not Overrated"
The Legacy Newsletter Series
This is the classic newsletter series that helped launch profitable roofing sales careers all over the nation. They were written early in my consulting career when I first began traveling and training salespeople and company owners.
Although this valuable subscription is no longer available because it is out of print, you will get all 39 of the original newsletters combined into one giant downloadable .pdf volume when you become a member of the Roofing Salesman University.
The Legacy Series, Issues #1 - #39
#1 How To Be Great At Prospecting For Roofs
#2 How To Increase Your Roofing Success
#3 More Millionaires Influence By This Book
#4 Decide To Decide
#5 Good Was Not Enough
#6 Discover Patterns Of Success
#7 Here's Why People Buy
#8 You Don't Have Time
#9 How Great Salespeople Get That Way
#10 3 Things
#11 The Best Direction To Grow
#12 The One Advantage You Need
#13 How To Beat Your Competition
#14 Experience Is Expensive... But Also Valuable!
#15 A Strong Will
#16 The Worst Day
#17 Buyers Buy When Sellers Sell
#18 Don't Let Fear Kill Your Dreams
#19 Opportunity Begs For Attention
#20 Sucker Punched
#21 What's Your Advice To Her?
#22 You Gave Her Good Advice
#23 I Could Use Your Help, Please
#24 How To Get Exactly What You Want
#25 Marketing Lesson #2 And #3
#26 Lost Deals? What You Should Have Said
#27 You Have To Sell Roofs To Sell Roofs
#28 Make More Sales With Thank You Cards
#29 X-Ray Glasses And Other Sales Stories
#30 Rushing The Sale Is Like Rushing My Wife
#31 The BBB And Roofing Sales
#32 Serious Readers Only: Connect The Dots
#33 Have You Ever Said...
#34 A Poor Farmer Proved Them Wrong
#35 Quick Tricks To Get Them Listening
#36 Don't Ask Them. They Always Say No!
#37 The Logical Lie Of Why They Buy
#38 Is The Hype For Real?
#39 Here's What Happens When You Ask
Weekend Warriors Audio Files
Play online or download the audio files for all 19 audio episodes of "Weekend Warriors" (Coming Soon).
This audio download series is for advanced salespeople. It was written, recorded, and distributed on the weekends to motivate and encourage more seasoned salespeople.
- Weekend Warrior #1 "Improve What Works More"
- Weekend Warriors #2 "Speaking of Strengths"
- Weekend Warriors #3 "Get The Elephant Off Your Back"
- Weekend Warriors #4 "Control Your Sales Environment"
- Weekend Warriors #5 "Loners & Networkers"
- Weekend Warriors #6 "That's Where The Money Is"
- Weekend Warriors #7 "Stay On The Sale"
- Weekend Warriors #8 "Talk To The Right People"
- Weekend Warriors #9 "Killer Loops"
- Weekend Warriors #10 "Wealthy People Charge Admission"
- Weekend Warriors #11 "If You Can Convince Yourself"
- Weekend Warriors #12 "Touch All The Bases"
- Weekend Warriors #13 "Safety Doesn't Happen By Accident"
- Weekend Warriors #14 "Shopping For Approval"
- Weekend Warriors #15 "Everything You Want"
- Weekend Warriors #16 "Picture The Future"
- Weekend Warriors #17 "Know, Like, and Trust"
- Weekend Warriors #18 "Getting Started with Jeremiah Johnson"
- Weekend Warriors #19 "I'm Calling My Lawyer"
The Premium Platinum Newsletter Recordings
You will only get the premium recordings from the Platinum Newsletter here in the online portal.
Need More Answers?
If you have questions about signing your company up for the Roofing Salesman University or investing in an individual membership, use the form below to pick your Date & Time and then complete the Application to confirm your appointment.